Spring Sack Lunch

Order a Sack Lunch delivered to you and your coworkers by the Northeast Iowa Food Bank. The goal of our Sack Lunch Delivery event is to raise awareness and educate the community on the issue of hunger.

Northeast Iowa Food Bank Spring Sack Lunch Graphic

For just $10, you

(& your friends or colleagues)
are delivered:
  • Pulled pork sandwich from NEIFB chef
  • Blue Barn Coleslaw
  • Chips
  • Fruit
  • Pudding donated by Conagra
  • A bottle of water, and utensils.

& you'll help provide up to 40 meals to those facing hunger.

Spring Sack Lunches will be delivered on April 24th and 25th.

*minimum order of 8 lunches to qualify for delivery (delivery is free)*

Order Spring Sack Lunch HERE

BREMER COUNTY Order Spring Sack Lunch HERE

Event Details
April 24, 2025